Rádio AnimeNight, 24 horas com você !! STREAMS Japan Song (Jpop), (Jrock), (Anime), (Game), 24 HR. Aqui voce escuta suas músicas favoritas 24 horas sem parar, além de ficar sabendo de eventos de cultura japonesa que pode estar rolando em sua cidade . Junte-se a nós agora mesmo ^.^ Características: - Tocado recentemente - Pedidos de música - Nossa Fanpage - Nosso twitter - Compartilhar - Background Service / Playback - Exibe Artista e Musicas - Notificação Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimeNightOficial/ Website: https://www.animenight.com.br AnimeNight Radio, 24 hours with you !! STREAMS Japan Song (Jpop), (Jrock), (Anime), (Game), (ECT) 24 HR. Here you listen to your favorite songs 24 hours without stopping, as well as learning about Japanese culture events that may be rolling in your city. Join us right now ^. ^ Characteristics: - Recently Played - Music Request - Our Fanpage - Our twitter - To share - Background Service / Playback - Show Artist and Music - Notification Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimeNightOficial/ Website: https://www.animenight.com.br
This application is the official, exclusive application for Radio AnimeNight under an agreement between Radio AnimeNight and Nobex Technologies.